Training plan for January – April 2016
The link below sets out our programme for Winter 2016, this includes weekly training and competitions;
Winter/Spring 2016 Training plan
If you would like to join the group please contact Dave or Rob.
What do I need? You must bring along a slalom boat, and all your paddling equipment. Dave will issue these prior to the event so please contact him to make arrangements.
Safety. All paddlers need to have a light attached to their buoyancy aid. Keep it fairly small. It is not for you to see with but so that you can be seen by rowers.
Clothing? The winter months get cold. On the water you will be paddling hard. But make sure you have warm clothing for on and off the water. Warm headgear is essential!
Start time. The winter sessions are shorter so being on time for start is essential. The start time is an on the water time!! So please allow time to get changed if necessary.