
The membership year runs from the 1st May. Any changes to the membership will be agreed at the AGM run in January and will be implemented for 1st May.

We welcome new members at any time of year!

How to Join

The easiest way to go about joining the club or finding out more is to either contact a member of the committee or simply come along to the House in the Tree Pub Thursday winter evenings from about 9.00pm.
In the summer, you can also find us at Cheltenham Lido on Thursday evenings from 7.15pm.

Of course we don’t make new members sign up and pay their membership dues immediately. Come along, check us out and see how it all works first…

Annual Fees

1st May 2022 – 30 April 2023

Members with British Canoeing Membership

Adult – £36
Juniors & Students* £22
Family** £75

Members without British Canoeing Membership (this covers these members BC club affiliation that the club has to pay – Juniors are exempt)

Adult – £46
Student* £27
Junior  £22
Family** £95

* Student – 18 and over in full-time education

** Family – Adults must be British Canoeing members to qualify for Family Membership fee of £75

Non-Paddling Parent/ Guardian  £2.20.   

For junior membership, please add on £2.20 for each non-paddling parent accompanying the junior to Club activities (covers British Canoeing Club affiliation fee for 3rd party liability insurance for non BC members).

You can join online at our membership renewal site here