
Cheltenham Canoe Club is a collection of like minded kayakers, canoeists and friends of kayakers and canoeists who meet regularly to talk paddling, and more importantly to go paddling.

The club is run by a committee elected annually at the AGM (held every January) and consists of a Club Captain, Secretary, Treasurer plus up to six additional members. They provide a rough structure for the club to operate in, but it is generally up to the club members to get themselves booked onto trips, organise and run trips, and generally have a very fine time whilst doing so.

We consider ourselves to be a very friendly set of people and welcome new paddlers, experienced paddlers and families.

The information on this website should be more or less, kind of up to date, so if anyone is interested in joining the club, either contact a member of the committee or simply come along to The House in the Tree where the club meets every Thursday evening from about 9.00pm. This will change throughout the Pool session to the Exmouth Arms, Bath Rd.