The club has a library of paddling related books, maps and videos/DVDs. Get in touch with Pete Bogle if you’d like to borrow any:
River Guides
- Whitewater Runs & Touring Rivers Of S.Wales (C Sladden)
- Whitewater Runs & Touring Rivers Of SW Wales (C Sladden)
- The Welsh Rivers (C Sladden)
- Mid Wales WW Guide (M Hubbard)
- Snowdonia Whitewater Sea & Surf (T Storry) – (On Loan To Chelt CC From P Williams)
- Lake District WW Guide
- Scottish WW Guide
- Scottish White Water (SCA)
- South West Access Guide – Inland Rivers
- South West Access Guide – Sea
- Guide To The Rivers Of The West Midlands
- Canoeists Guide To The River Wye (EA)
- Run River Run (A Fox)
- A Collection Of River Guides For WWR
- WW Europe North Alps (P Knowles / P Bandtock)
- WW Europe North Alps 2004 Version (P Bandtock)
- WW Europe South Alps (P Knowles / P Bandtock)
- White Water Safety & Rescue (Franco Ferrero)
- Whitewater Rescue Manual (C Walbridge & W A Sundmacher Sr)
- Whitewater Rescue Safety Cards
- First Aid Manual (St John)
General Interest
- L’Eau Vive (Deb Pinniger)
- Many Rivers To Run (D Manby)
- Kayak (William Nealy)
- Canoe Games (D Ruse)
- Canoe & Kayak Games (Dave Ruse & Loel Collins)
- BCU Coaching Directory 2000 + CD
- Canoeing The Fladbury Way (D Train) – (On Loan To Chelt CC From P Bogle)
- Basic Kayaking (Dickert & Rounds) – Ideal For Star Test Background Reading
- The Ultimate Guide To Whitewater Kayaking (Ken Whiting & Kevin Varette)
- OS Maps: 27, 34, 35, 37, 41, 42, 43, 50, 51, 52, 53, 57, 87, 92, 114, 124, 146, 192
- Dartmoor Map (2.5″/mile)
- Michelin Guide To France
- Slovenia maps x 3 (Julian Alps)
- Bristol Channel tide tables
Videos / DVDs
- River Rescue – The Video (Video)
- Basic Skills – Kayak Handling (Video)
- The Kayak Roll (DVD)
- WW Self Defence (Video)
- White Water Safety & Rescue (DVD)